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STS ALVIS, Tula - production of various brands of caprolon (block polyamide-6) in any kind: bushing, block, rod, sheet, plate, wheel

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About the company


The Scientific and Technical Society Аlvis, Ltd. is the manufacturer of engineering plastic caprolon (block polyamide-6, caprolon, kaprolon, cast nylon 6), including high-quality caprolon filled with graphite. STS Alvis was created in 1995 with the purpose of development of new technological processes for synthesis of constructional polymeric materials on the basis of anionic polycaproamide.

Employees of the Society possess a high standard of knowledge (including scientific degrees) and a know-how. They authors of many publications, have some tens copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation. The Scientific and Technical Society Аlvis has been synthesizing caprolon using its own original technology.

2014г. 'miningworld-2014' г.Москва

Qualified specialists select the best solutions for each order. Production culture, control of processes at all stages and modern methods of product quality control make it possible to obtain high-quality polymer.

Now STS Аlvis is the solid firm with many business partners in all territory of Russia and abroad, it is the participant and the winner of many exhibitions. Among our constant partners both the large unitary enterprises and private firms.

2013г. 'Индустрия пластмасс-2013' г.Москва

STS Аlvis, Ltd. is a Member of Commercial and Industrial Chamber of the Russian Federation.

We synthesize caprolon in various look:
 - products with exact sizes (including wheels for railway crack detector trolleys);
 - thin sheets and plates, blocks;
 - rods of small and big diameter;
 - blanks of type "bushings", "pipes", "glass"
in diameters from 43 to 1370 mm, length to 1400 mm;
 - blanks of type "bushing with a flange";
 - blanks of type "bowl";
 - blanks of type "mushroom" for details of T-shaped section;
 - blanks of type "segment" for rotary sites of conveyors;
 - pipes drainage, sewer;
 - articles of a complicated forms.

2013г. 'miningworld-2013' г.Москва

2012г. 'Индустрия пластмасс-2012' г.Москва

2011г. Expo-Russia Armenia 2011' г.Ереван

STS Аlvis is the manufacturer of high-quality caprolon, including graphitefilled. We develop polymeric compositions with complexes of properties at the request of customers.

The Scientific and Technical Society renders following services:
 - consultations qualified experts on application of polymeric materials;
 - selection of polymeric materials for the set purposes.

Our experts develop and master unique technologies of synthesis of caprolon:
 - colored in mass;
 - with the improved mechanical characteristics ;
 - with the increased Sharpy impact;
 - with small friction coefficient (slippy);
 - flexible, soft caprolon;
 - with the variable on the radius elasticity coefficient witch applied to production of wheels;
 - with the antistatic properties;
 - made foam (polyfoam 'Пен-Ан'™).

2010г. 'miningworld-2010' г.Москва

2010г. 'Агропродмаш-2010' г.Москва

2009г. Диплом с медалью 'Изделия и технологии двойного назначения. Диверсификация ОПК' г.Москва' г.Москва

Development of STS Аlvis are directed on increase of economic feasibility of application of caprolon.

We help our partners to save on volumes of bought polymer really, reducing quantity of processing waste, reducing time and expenses on machining.

2009г. 'Агропродмаш-2009' г.Москва  2008г. 'БытПромЭкспо. Инновационные технологии в быту' г.Москва  2009г. Дипломант программы '100 лучших товаров России' г.Тула  2008г. 'ICA-2008' г.Москва
2007г. 'Продукция, технологии, услуги органи­заций - членов ТПП' г.Тула  2008г. 'Изделия и технологии двойного назначения. Диверсификация ОПК' г.Москва  2005г. 'Малый бизнес - Тулякам' г.Тула  2004г. 'Деловая Мордовия' г.Саранск
2007г. 'Изделия и технологии двойного назначения. Диверсификация ОПК' г.Москва  2001г. Благодар­ственное письмо 'Черноземье-2001' г.Воронеж  2001г. Диплом 'Черноземье-2001' г.Воронеж  2004г. 'Пром-Экспо-2004' г.Тверь  2000г. 'Химия-2000' г.Уфа

1995г. 'Наследники Демидовых' г.Тула  1999г. 'Химиндустрия-99' г.Тула  1997г. 'Предпринимательство. Ремесла. Занятость.' г.Нижний Новгород  1999г. 'Волгострой-99', 'Волгохимия-99' г.Тольятти

2006-2009гг. Медали 'За разработки в области полимерных конструкционных материалов' г.Москва
Medals in 2006-2009

2007г. Медаль 'За лучшую экспозицию' г.Тула
Medal in 2007

Address: Oktyabrskaya str., 48, Tula, 300002 RUSSIA
Tel/ fax: +7 (4872) 34-57-56
E-mail: alvis@kaprolon-alvis.ru Web: www.kaprolon-alvis.ru



 Caprolon rods, circles,
blanks for bushings, pipes

 Caprolon sheets, plates, blocks


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